Understanding Your Cat’s Food Preferences: Good Food for Cats & Bad Food for Cats



cat food

You must know about your cat’s food list if cats are your favorite pets and so you must be careful about what it eats. Their well-being is important to you. Not all cats like to eat the same food.

Because cats are fascinating animals, so according to their taste, the demand for their food is different. For this reason, if you feed cat food for a few days, you can understand what kind of food your cat likes. Then make him accustomed to that kind of food. But before that, you should know –

From What Age Do Cats Take Food

Many of us do not know what age kittens are weaned and when they can start eating food. Generally, kittens are interested in eating solid foods around 3 to 4 weeks of age.

As we will see, you can add some dry food when they are eating solid food, again in small quantities in the beginning, and they can eat it easily when soaked in water.

Once the kittens are completely weaned from their mother’s milk, it becomes the responsibility of the people of the house to feed them the right way. It is possible to overfeed or underfeed your cat, if we don’t know how much to feed them.  However, veterinarians urge cats to create a food structure until adulthood.

Cat Food List

We can choose the food around us for the cat. However, enough caution should be taken while giving these foods. A cat food list is given below.

The Fish

Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is a delicacy for cats.  Although some cat-friendly human foods can be fed to your cat raw, be sure to give him only cooked fish. Because feeding fish can help in the formation of its eyesight, joints and brain. However, it must be noted that if the fish is given, it should be given without thorns. Because if the cut is stuck in their teeth, or throat, then there can be continuous vomiting.

The Meat

Since cats are obligate carnivores, they need food that mostly consists of meat. Their body is not able to digest fibrous food as easily as dogs and do not always like it. Chicken is a good source of lean protein. This can be a great choice for your cat, as long as it is thoroughly cooked.

However, if beef is fed too much, there may be problems in the potty.  So try to give less meat. Never use spices while boiling meat, fish.  Boil in ordinary water.

The Egg

Eggs are another good source of protein and B vitamins. It is very safe for your cat. To reduce the risk of foodborne diseases, be sure to cook any eggs you feed your cat.

The Bread

Bread is a good source of protein and fiber. Some cats like to eat bread. It is a cat-friendly human food.


Oatmeal is a source of energy and B vitamins for your pet. This is another human food that is available as commercial cat food. Not every cat will like it in the beginning, so you’ll introduce these foods gradually.


Cats can eat pumpkins. While pumpkin is low in calories and not high in fiber, it is also an effective treatment for cats suffering from abnormal stool problems. You can include pumpkin in cat food as it is both safe and healthy.


Rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C and K, iron and calcium, spinach is a healthy, cat-friendly food.  Among cat’s various dishes, spinach is included as an ingredient due to its huge health benefits.


Apples are rich in fiber and vitamin C and are ideal as cat food.

The Pea

Peas are a food rich in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A. They can often be found at commercial cat food stores, but your cat can be fed frozen or raw.


Watermelon is rich in many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B1, B5, and C, as well as foods rich in potassium and magnesium.  Watermelon in moderation is a safe food for cats.


Bananas are a cat-safe food with potassium and soluble fiber. Although bananas are a healthy food, you shouldn’t exceed 10 percent of your cat’s daily calorie intake.

List of prohibited cat foods

So far we have learned about the cat’s food list. Now we will know about the forbidden foods of cats.


Just as people love chocolate, some cats also love chocolate. But you should never feed your favorite cat chocolate. It harms cats. Theobromine found in chocolate is toxic and can harm your cat. Therefore, remember that you should never feed your cat your favorite chocolate.

Spicy Food

Cats should not be given spicy food. Eating such food does not harm the cat. But if you give too much, it is harmful.

Raw Egg

Raw eggs are dangerous for your cat. This is one of those foods that your cat should never eat. The type of bacteria is found in raw eggs, which can harm cats.


People love mushrooms, but your cat may have a different tolerance for mushrooms. Some mushrooms are poisonous and can harm your cat. So, keep an eye on your cat. Mushrooms are counted among the foods harmful to cats, so avoid them.

Green Tomato

Cats can usually digest ripe tomatoes. It does not harm the cat, but in the case of green tomatoes the story is different. There is a possibility that green tomatoes may cause gastric problems in cats. In this situation, green tomatoes are among the foods that cats should not eat.

Garlic And Onion

People eat onions, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for cats. Onions and garlic are harmful to cats. Sometimes it becomes so dangerous that cats suffer from anemia. Onions, whether raw or boiled, are harmful to cats. This makes onions and garlic a food that your cat should never eat.

What Precautions Should Be Taken in Cat Food

When feeding the cat, the food should always be well mashed. Meals should be given twice a day. Try to feed at the same time every day. If the cat eats less, it can be given three times.

Keep water at all times

Do not try to re-serve food that has been open for a long time. If the food is left, throw it away. Because if you give spoiled food to cats, they do not want to eat it. And if they do, they can get sick.

Cat Feeding Time

It is best to feed the cat at the same time every day. An adult (older than 1 year) cat should be fed two times a day. Most people feed cats in the morning and at night, i.e. every 10-12 hours. However, if you eat less then it can be given 3 times. If the amount of dry food is high, the cat can eat later, but wet food and canned food should be given according to the quantity, the remaining food should be removed because the food left for a long time can spoil and there is a risk of diarrhea.

We have tried to tell everything about the cat’s food list. Of course, any of these foods should be given as an occasional meal as part of a balanced diet. Talk to your veterinarian about the best foods to feed your cat every day. If necessary, make a cat’s food list on the advice of a doctor. You can also read the Cow Fattening Cereal Diet to expand your knowledge.

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